This piece was lifted from Malaysiakini's Letters page today. Such action has become the norm in our everyday lives, while rape cases, robbery, and snatch thefts reach epic proportions. Ridiculous, no? (Pic: Elizabeth Wong)
Why was I arrested?
Jonson Chong | Jan 30, 08 3:51pm
I refer to the Malaysiakini report Two nights in a police lock-up.
I was arrested at 4:30 pm on Jan 26, at a food court in the vicinity of Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, Kuala Lumpur.
I was released unconditionally from Pudu Jail (now known as Balai Polis Jalan Hang Tuah) at approximately 10:30 pm on Jan 27 after a magistrate rejected a remand application by the police to further detain me, a lawyer, and nine other people, including PKR’s Tian Chua and PAS’ Dr Hatta Ramli.
Obviously, I was annoyed that I was arrested whilst I was trying to ask the police why they wanted to arrest Tian Chua and Hatta, especially when they were merely having drinks and talking to journalists at that time. I knew that the over-zealous Special Branch personnel arbitrarily decided to arrest me because I questioned their actions.
I was amazed by how lightly police officers deal with the constitutional liberty of a citizen, not to mention a lawyer, who is otherwise also known as an ‘officer of the court’. I should highlight here also that I was not informed of the grounds of my arrest at any point of time, whether during my arrest, detention and subsequent ‘investigation’.
Luckily, sense, or maybe conscience, prevailed over the magistrate who heard the remand application against the ten of us who had the same investigating officer.
To the amazement of everyone, including the lawyers who defended all of us, the magistrate said that she was releasing us (unconditionally) because she did not find any evidence to show that the ten of us were linked to the Protes assembly that day.
By the time we walked out of Pudu Jail, I was deprived of 30 precious hours of freedom. Why? All because I acted to question the arbitrary arrest of two Malaysian citizens who happened to be leaders in their respective political parties.
Politics aside, it is high time all Malaysians take a good look at what is happening to our country. Do we want to let this go on? When are we going to make a stand and say ‘no more’?
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Lawyer Jonson Chong on his arrest, Jan 26
Posted by
6:09 PM
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Selamat datang
Chances are, you're here because you're concerned about where this country is heading. Pissed, even.
You're not convinced about the feel-good messages that are being floated by the Malaysian government as the General Elections loom ahead. You wanted more integrity, but you were fed lies. You wanted well-conceived ideas executed, but you found cronies milking the country dry. And those pretty promises? Empty, as usual.
We can effect change. Yeah, us.
And it begins with who we vote as our MP. Simple as that.
We're a group of citizens who want to bring back respect to Parliament. We believe the overwhelming majority that Barisan Nasional has in the House has been detrimental to civil society. Out with the zoo. We want checks and balances. We want good laws and due diligence. We want institutions that perform.
We're the Get an MP initiative. Facilitated by The People's Parliament, this movement is now up and running in six constituencies: Segambut, Selayang, PJ Selatan, PJ Utara, Subang, and Kelana Jaya. We'd like you to be part of it.
If you're registered to vote in these constituencies – and you want to have a say in who's your MP – get in touch with us. We'll first verify that you're indeed a voter, and then you'll get to join the Get an MP group of your constituency. Thereon, there will be people within your group who will help get you oriented.
Each group will evaluate the candidates, listen to their action plans and their commitment to the constituents. As a group member, you get to decide if the candidate meets your criteria; that the best person walks into Parliament bearing the aspirations of your kinfolk. You're the boss.
Vote in the right person, and half the battle's won. Join us. Our email:
Posted by
12:05 AM
Monday, January 28, 2008
Selamat datang
Chances are, you're here because you're concerned about where this country is heading. Pissed, even.
You're not convinced about the feel-good messages that are being floated by the Malaysian government as the General Elections loom ahead. You wanted more integrity, but you were fed lies. You wanted well-conceived ideas executed, but you found cronies milking the country dry. And those pretty promises? Empty, as usual.
We can effect change. Yeah, us.
And it begins with who we vote as our MP. Simple as that.
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1:00 PM