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We really wanted this to happen. We wanted this for Democracy.
We believed PJ Utara was ripe and we still do - a sophisticated and discerning voting population, a high literacy rate, well-traveled, internet-enabled - that such a Forum Rakyat, by the people and for the people, could begin to pave the way for more open dialogue nationwide.
Yup, P106 PJ Utara has the perfect setting. MCA's Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun, the popular incumbent sharing the same stage as Oxford-trained Tony Pua of the DAP; sparring ideas, clarifying misconceptions, pitting visions. It's one of the hottest-watched seat this side of the peninsular.
And so as of Nomination Day, we slogged to get the idea of a forum fleshed out. We worked on the format and agenda, and took great pains to ensure it was as fair as possible to all parties; no cheap shots, no mudslinging:
What's the best format?
If it's for the rakyat, why not a Q&A?
How do you prevent freaks from showing up drunk and rowdy?
Make it a by-invitation-only affair. People have to register earlier.
How do you control the quality of the questions?
Get the audience to write down their question rather than an open mike format. Yes, we'll lose some spontaneity but it's more prudent. Get auditors to vet through the questions. Allow both sides to appoint two of their own representatives with powers to veto any unfair question.
What if they keep picking on longkangs and stuff, y'know, dig some dirt?
Look, we'll stay away from the past. The 11th Parliament was a washout, bygones; let's look forward to the 12th. Keep discussions only about the road ahead. What can they offer, where do they stand on certain issues, how will they fight the good fight on our behalf?
Formal invitations were delivered yesterday. Even before that, members of the group had called and met up with both candidates' staffers to explain about the forum. Both sides were very receptive. But when it mattered most:
Tony Pua said Yeah, let's do it! Chew Mei Fun said No, I can't.
An assistant of Tony emailed GetanMP-PJ Utara late last night to express Tony's keenness in participating in the Forum. They requested that it be held on Sunday afternoon, the weekday nights being reserved for ceramahs. Cool, we thought. Real cool.
This morning, a member from the GetanMP-PJUtara group called up the MCA side to get a response. Mr Ch'ng, a key aide to Chew Mei Fun, said the incumbent apologised but could not afford the time for the event. We negotiated, offered them the choice of a best-time slot. Think it over, please discuss, we'll call you back. Called back, the answer was the same. Negative.
Yet another dedicated member decided to plead with Chew Mei Fun directly. He reached her on her cell-phone. The gentle but firm answer was again No.
It's not our business to reveal details of the conversations, but be assured that Chew and her aides were well-mannered and cordial at every interaction. Nevertheless, our road ends here - in disappointment. We had expected more. And fine manners aside, we deserved more.
Given the scenario, we the GetanMP-PJ Utara group will make a common stand on the Candidates in the hours to come. We'll keep you posted.
Addendum: If you're interested in the agenda we formulated for the Forum, we're posting up jpg files for your reference. Want the softcopy? Just email us. i think any other constituency wanting to pursue this further ought to just carry the torch and invite YOUR candidates to a Forum Rakyat. Lembah Pantai? Subang? Pandamaran? Rembau? Kepala Batas? Anywhere! Ask for a People's Forum. Let it spread.
Let the Rakyat's call be heard. Let them know we're not just sitting back on our asses waiting for their speeches. We can take the mantle, and we can set the pace. We hold the votes, we're the boss. They will serve us yet.